Thursday, March 28, 2013

Meet Sun + Cloud

Hi, my name is Meaghan. My boyfriend Jay and I have recently been doing some traveling. We have limited time so our trips are mainly weekend adventures and never more than a few hours from home (Massachusetts). What started out as a "bucket list" with a few ideas on it has turned into a way of life. We try to fill our spare time with new experiences and adventures. Whether it be day trips doing things like searching for "The World's Largest Chair" or an overnight trip to one of New England's many desirable destinations. This blog is meant to be a way for us to document all of this and to share our experiences with anyone who is interested.

So what's with the sun and cloud theme? It is the best description of our personalities/relationship dynamic. I am best represented by the sun. I am usually happy, smiling, and laughing. The simplest things make me happy and I am always optimistic. Jay is best represented by a cloud. I don't want to say he is always in a bad mood, because he certainly is not, but he tends to be very mellow. He doesn't wear his excitement on his sleeve like I do. It should also be noted that he is usually wearing the color gray, further perpetuating the cloud theme. My hope is that our two different personalities will help paint a complete picture of the places we go.

I hope you enjoy reading about our travels. We are excited to share!

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